Creating GUI without editor / XML

Considering the basics, there’s not much of a difference between VST2.x and VST3 editor wise imo.

One way would be to let FooController inherit from VSTGUIEditor and IControlListener:

Override open() to create a frame and place your controls. Something along the lines of

virtual bool PLUGIN_API open(void* parent, const PlatformType& platformType = kDefaultNative)
	CRect size(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom);

	auto old_frame = frame;
	frame = new CFrame(size, this);

	if(frame && frame->open(parent, platformType))
		// Create your controls here and add them via frame->addView(...)
		return true;
	return false;

Make sure to destroy your frame in your overrider of close(). Note that frame->close() will take care of forgetting your previously added controls and also forget() itself, so don’t worry about leaking here…

virtual void PLUGIN_API close()
		auto old_frame = frame;
		frame = 0;

Then override valueChanged() to react to mouse/keyboard interaction performed by the user and forward them to your controller. Dispatching is typically handeled using tags (just use the IDs assigned to your parameters) and set the new values via

controller->setParameterNormalized(control->getTag(), control->getValue());

Additionally, you’ll need a machanism to make your GUI controls react to parameter changes imposed by the host (e.g. automation). You can do that by polling or you implement a custom synchronization protocol, e.g. take a look into the VST3Editor implementation to see how it’s done - look out for the paramChangeListeners member.

Hope this helps.