Issue with Modal View Session

I have the following code:

// button is a view
auto dialog = VSTGUI::owned<MyContainer>(new MyContainer({0, 0, 100, 100}));
DLOG_F(INFO, "before beginModalViewSession...");
auto id = button->getFrame()->beginModalViewSession(dialog);
DLOG_F(INFO, "after beginModalViewSession...");
DLOG_F(INFO, "endModalViewSession...");

This crashes because the view is deleted twice. (MyViewContainer simply extend CViewContainer to log constructor/destructor/remember/forget/beforeDelete)

2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:33    INFO| MyContainer
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:102   INFO| before beginModalViewSession...
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:104   INFO| after beginModalViewSession...
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:56    INFO| MyContainer::beforeDelete
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:38    INFO| ~MyContainer
2020-08-06 14:19:11.197 (   5.874s) [            2860]JTPTextButtonController:106   INFO| endModalViewSession...

Note how the container is deleted during the call to endModalViewSession when I am expecting it to be deleted when the block ends…

The API for beginModalViewSession states “view new modal view (ownership is shared with the caller)” so I wasn’t expecting the modal view session to take ownership of the view…

What am I missing?


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I tweaked the code further like this to clearly point out what is going on:

  DLOG_F(INFO, "Start of block");
  auto dialog = VSTGUI::owned<MyContainer>(new MyContainer({0, 0, 100, 100}));
  DLOG_F(INFO, "before beginModalViewSession...");
  auto id = button->getFrame()->beginModalViewSession(dialog);
  DLOG_F(INFO, "after beginModalViewSession.");
  DLOG_F(INFO, "before endModalViewSession...");
  DLOG_F(INFO, "after endModalViewSession.");
  DLOG_F(INFO, "End of block");
DLOG_F(INFO, "After block");

And this is the output:

2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:102   INFO| Start of block
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:33    INFO| MyContainer
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:104   INFO| before beginModalViewSession...
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:106   INFO| after beginModalViewSession.
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:107   INFO| before endModalViewSession...
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:44    INFO| MyContainer::remember
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:49    INFO| MyContainer::forget
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:56    INFO| MyContainer::beforeDelete
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.803s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:38    INFO| ~MyContainer
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.804s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:109   INFO| after endModalViewSession.
2020-08-07 07:55:12.724 (   4.804s) [            8A01]JTPTextButtonController:110   INFO| End of block
Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=EXC_I386_GPFLT)

Or in other words:

beginModalViewSession does 3 remember + 1 forget => 2 remember
endModalViewSession does 1 remember and 4 forget => 3 forget

This would make sense IF the modal view session API was taking ownership of the view provided. As I pointed out this is the API for this call

	/** begin a new modal view session
	 *	A modal view session is active until endModalViewSession is called and in that time all UI
	 *	events are only dispatched to the modal view or its child views.
	 *	Modal view sessions can be stacked but must be ended in the same order.
	 *	@param view new modal view (ownership is shared with the caller)
	 *	@return a unique session identifier

So which one is wrong? Is the code meant to take ownership and the comment is wrong? Or is the comment right and the code is wrong and is missing a remember (or doing one too may forget)?


this is unit tested, please see vstgui/cframe_test.cpp at develop · steinbergmedia/vstgui · GitHub
And I don’t see an issue here.
You can add

EXPECT (view->getNbReference () == 1);

at the end of the test to verify that the reference count is as expected.
Or do you expect something else?


I think what is wrong is that there is one more call to “forget” than “remember”.

If you change your unit test this way:

		auto frame = owned (new CFrame (CRect (0, 0, 100, 100), nullptr));
		auto view = shared (new View ());

		auto nbReferences = view->getNbReference (); // here nbReference == 2

		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == nullptr);
		auto session = frame->beginModalViewSession (view);
		EXPECT (session);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == view);
		auto container = shared (new CViewContainer (CRect (0, 0, 0, 0)));
		auto session2 = frame->beginModalViewSession (container);
		EXPECT (session2)
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == container);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session) == false);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session2) == true);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == view);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session) == true);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == nullptr);
		EXPECT (view->getNbReference () == nbReferences);  // here nbReferences == 1 => will fail

Then this test will fail.

I used “owned” in my code when you are using “shared” (for the view) because in my mind I own the view. I give it to the modal view session API so that you can use it. But this API is doing more “forget” than “remember” and I don’t think that is a good thing. It should be neutral.

It’s fine to leave it the way you have it but then I think you should change the documentation to state that it is taking ownership of the view provided.

Ah, now I see. I will change the documentation as the behaviour is now the same as adding a view to a container.