Issue with Modal View Session

I think what is wrong is that there is one more call to “forget” than “remember”.

If you change your unit test this way:

		auto frame = owned (new CFrame (CRect (0, 0, 100, 100), nullptr));
		auto view = shared (new View ());

		auto nbReferences = view->getNbReference (); // here nbReference == 2

		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == nullptr);
		auto session = frame->beginModalViewSession (view);
		EXPECT (session);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == view);
		auto container = shared (new CViewContainer (CRect (0, 0, 0, 0)));
		auto session2 = frame->beginModalViewSession (container);
		EXPECT (session2)
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == container);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session) == false);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session2) == true);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == view);
		EXPECT (frame->endModalViewSession (*session) == true);
		EXPECT (frame->getModalView () == nullptr);
		EXPECT (view->getNbReference () == nbReferences);  // here nbReferences == 1 => will fail

Then this test will fail.

I used “owned” in my code when you are using “shared” (for the view) because in my mind I own the view. I give it to the modal view session API so that you can use it. But this API is doing more “forget” than “remember” and I don’t think that is a good thing. It should be neutral.

It’s fine to leave it the way you have it but then I think you should change the documentation to state that it is taking ownership of the view provided.