Mousewheel messages and IMouseObserver / interfering parameter updates in AAXWrapper

Hi Arne,

I’m not trying to disable the mouse wheel but I’m trying to detect (in a global manner) when the user interacts with my GUI through the mouse wheel.

Normal drag edits don’t cause this type of behavior because they are always framed by beginEdit()/endEdit() so I can simply check ongoing edits using the isEditing() state in my EditController::setParamNormalized() implementation.

With mousewheel edits, as you know, it’s a series of beginEdit() / valueChanged() / endEdit() …so in terms of the editing state it’s not a continuous thing which may be interrupted, in this case by the AAXWrapper‘s scheduled parameter updates sent back to my component. I haven’t tried yet, but I assume the same issue can be reproduced with the AAX wrapped SDK example. Will check ASAP.

My idea to work around this would be to have a hold timer that keeps an „isInWheelEdit“ state for a couple of milliseconds after a mouse wheel edit ended so the AAX wrapper’s next idle interval has expired. This is why I need to detect wheel events globally.

A workaround could be to keep track of drag movements using an appropriate IMouseObserver implementation, because anything else is either a wheel or a key edit, but that would fail when the user clicks and then starts turning the mousewheel without moving the cursor.

Hope that makes sense.
