Switching between different layouts

I think I tracked it down to what I think is the problem:

Line 572 from vst3editor.cpp (vstgui/vst3editor.cpp at 098cf0345014e35d53f3c8922f9f8d96f0f51354 · steinbergmedia/vstgui · GitHub)

which is being called from getFrame ()->setSize (width, height); (line 1522 => vstgui/vst3editor.cpp at 098cf0345014e35d53f3c8922f9f8d96f0f51354 · steinbergmedia/vstgui · GitHub)

bool VST3Editor::requestResize (const CPoint& newSize)
	if (!plugFrame)
		return false;
	CCoord width = newSize.x;
	CCoord height = newSize.y;
	double scaleFactor = getAbsScaleFactor ();
	if (editingEnabled || (width >= minSize.x * scaleFactor && width <= maxSize.x * scaleFactor && height >= minSize.y * scaleFactor && height <= maxSize.y * scaleFactor))
		Steinberg::ViewRect vr;
		vr.right = static_cast<Steinberg::int32> (width);
		vr.bottom = static_cast<Steinberg::int32> (height);
		return plugFrame->resizeView (this, &vr) == Steinberg::kResultTrue ? true : false;
	return false;

When editingEnabled is false (which I believe is the case when you don’t select “Open UIDescription Editor”) then the block is ignored (hence plugFrame->resizeView(…) is not called) and because it returns false, the cframe.cpp code is also ignored:

bool CFrame::setSize (CCoord width, CCoord height)
	if ((width == getViewSize ().getWidth ()) && (height == getViewSize ().getHeight ()))
		return false;

	CRect newSize (getViewSize ());
	newSize.setWidth (width);
	newSize.setHeight (height);

	if (getEditor ())
		if (getEditor ()->beforeSizeChange (newSize, getViewSize ()) == false)
			return false;

///// Yan's comment
///// The following code is ignored because 	getEditor ()->beforeSizeChange returns false
///// End Yan's comment	

	if (pImpl->platformFrame)
		if (pImpl->platformFrame->setSize (newSize))
			CViewContainer::setViewSize (newSize);
			return true;
		return false;
	CViewContainer::setViewSize (newSize);
	return true;