Smtg_add_plugin_resource inconsistent between platforms

Example of use case: you have a set of image resources that are common to all your projects and are outside the project itself (could live in another project that gets fetch at cmake configure time for example).

// resource outside

// current project cmake file
set(COMMON_IMAGES_SRC "/.../common_vst_images")

// include common image (ex: company logo...)
smtg_add_plugin_resource("plugin" "${COMMON_IMAGES_SRC}/xxx.png")

I really don’t see the reason why you would assume it is relative and I don’t think you should and you don’t for the SMTG_MAC branch of the “if”…

I think it is safe to simply change

        add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy
            ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${input_file} # <===== ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/ added


        add_custom_command(TARGET ${target} POST_BUILD
            COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy

because CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR contains the folder of the file calling the smtg_add_plugin_resource function so if it is relative it will work (because it is 100% equivalent to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/${input_file}) and if it is absolute it will work as well.