Performance issues with Core Graphics

Hi Joscha,
first of all the Quartz Debug tool does not work any longer correctly. It does not show the dirty rectangles which gets redrawn since we render into a CALayer. The switch to CALayer showed significant better performance here, but maybe your use-case is different. You can try to turn off using the CALayer code path and see if it is the reason of your performance problem. Fastest way is to disable the following code in

	auto processInfo = [NSProcessInfo processInfo];
	if ([processInfo respondsToSelector:@selector(operatingSystemVersion)])
		auto systemVersion = processInfo.operatingSystemVersion;
		// on Mac OS X 10.11 we activate layer drawing as this fixes a few issues like that only a
		// few parts of a window are updated permanently when scrolling or manipulating a control
		// while other parts are only updated when the malipulation ended, or CNinePartTiledBitmap
		// are drawn incorrectly when scaled.
		if (systemVersion.majorVersion >= 10 && systemVersion.minorVersion > 10)
			[nsView setWantsLayer:YES];
