IPlatformFont issue when upgrading VSTGUI4.0->4.6

Hi Arne,

Thanks for your patience, that indeed solves the problem bangs head on desk. I didn’t understand that this was an issue because I thought “it’s all being included by VSTGUI one way or the other anyway” and "it worked in the old version, with VSTGUI4.0), but either you changed something in the include order in the meantime, or the third party had done so. Also, Intellisense found the declaration of IPlatformFont without issues and coloured it accordingly, which added to my confusion (not to forget the bewildering “underline”-Error in the IDE that stated “pointer to incomplete class not allowed”)

One more question though, while I’m here. The 3P code derives its “MainFrame” class from CFrame, which has been made final in the meantime. The prescribed way is to instead derive from PluginGuiEditor and make all calls to CFrame::…functions in their editor code use frame->…instead, right? Anything else I need to pay specific attention to?

Best regards,